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An aggressive communication style is usually, but not always, paired with an overconfident self-esteem.  Aggressive communication can include shouting, interrupting or monopolizing a conversation; using overbearing even threatening body language; scowling facial expressions; glaring eye contact; name calling; exaggeration and jokes at another’s expense. 


Passive communication style is typically attributed to low-esteem.  Passive communication can include hesitation or soft spoken in a conversation; slouching body language; very little eye contact; and repressed feelings or opinions. 


Assertive communication style is usually paired with a healthy, balanced self-esteem.  Assertive communication can include a pleasant volume in conversation; eye contact; effective and active listening; self-awareness and openness to different opinions.  Communication style is easier to change than self-esteem.  At times, no matter the amount of practice, self-esteem can come through communication, especially through body language and tone of voice.  The most effective communication style is consistently assertive.  However, it might vary if an individual has unbalanced self-esteem, which may lead to passive or aggressive communication styles in response.

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